Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is your home safe for the holidays?

Is your Home SAFE?

The popcorn is popping the Hi-Def. television with surround sound is beginning to play your favorite game, there is a load of laundry in the washer, junior is playing his X-Box in his room and the girls are upstairs blow drying their hair, this is when it happens. From the circuit breaker box in the basement a crackle and hum begins, unbeknown to you. The circuit doesn’t go out, it is heating up. After about an hour your friends and you are cheering on the game when junior runs in and yells, “FIRE!!!!!!’ There is smoke billowing from the basement stairs and you are running through the house to make sure everyone gets out. From the front yard you watch as your dream home goes up in flames, your friends are standing around and everyone is asking the same question. “What caused it?”
Over 180,000 home today will have an electrical fire in the United States.  1.4 billion dollars is damages and countless lives are injured and killed because of one reason ,defective, incorrectly installed, damaged and old electrical services in our homes. 9 out of 10 homes have an electrical problem waiting to happen, but there is a cure.
Benfield Electric Co., of Virginia now offers CurrentSAFE, an Electrical Hazard Detection service for homeowners.  CurrentSAFE uses infrared technology along with ultrasound and circuit tracing equipment to test all of the electrical services in your home without damaging any walls or structure. Benfield Electric is the only provider of this service in the Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland area and they have the only certified trained Electrical Hazard technicians.
Don’t wait until your in your front yard wondering why your home is up in flames, get peace of mind and call Benfield Electric and have them do a FREE in home evaluation of your homes electrical service today! Call 1-888-321-6200 or visit them online at www.BenfieldElectricInc.com